Rebecca Guyett

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Rebecca ran a successful Graphic Design business in London for several years – completing projects for a wide range of clients, in food & clothes packaging, retail signage, coffee bar in-store menus & promotions and corporate stationery. Influences from her background can often be seen throughout her artwork. After moving to Dorset she enrolled on a Printmaking course and fell in love with screenprinting – since then she has developed her own style and techniques in this medium. Mixing colours through the screen using photographic & handcut plates creates painterly effects and introducing linocut, woodcut & monoprinting brings spontaneity and intrigue into the work. By combining these techniques, her original prints are mostly one-offs or small variable editions – when each piece has its own individual characteristics. She also creates Oil Paintings with a semi-abstract approach and has recently enjoyed working on large scale pieces which enables her to introduce many layers of oolour and texture. Although the printmaking and paintings are very different process, Rebecca feels that the line between them is becoming increasingly blurred as her styles in the two mediums converge.