Welcome to Art in Poundbury

Initiatives such as the Art in Poundbury Club and supporting community projects in the local area, providing opportunities for local artists to learn, showcase their work, and connect with like-minded individuals.

We have recently held our annual en plein air event, Art in the Squares, and were delighted that over 90 artists joined us on the day. Go to our Gallery drop down list and you will see a gallery of the paintings created on the day and another gallery with images from around Poundbury of our artists at work.

For those interested in learning more or participating, our website is regularly updated, the go-to resource for our Club is www.artinpoundbury.club. Be the first to be updated on events and opportunities through social media via our Facebook and Instagram page.

Art At Pips Logo Burnt Orange & Green
Aip Sunflower Logo Green Copy 3