Jennifer Monds

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I’m usually to be found with paint or ink on my hands! After dabbling for a number of years with watercolours, jewellery-making, papier-mache and more, I now mainly create mixed media abstract and semi-abstract paintings on wood. A librarian and bookseller by day and dabbler by night until the end of 2018, from 2019 I had more time to develop creative projects, and Nicholas Wilton’s online course CVP in 2020 opened up a new world of acrylic paints and working on wood. My paintings are many layered, and I enjoy scraping through the layers or sanding back to reveal something of the history of the earlier layers. I work out of my home studio in the Chalke Valley, which is open during the biennial Salisbury Art Trail. I was delighted to receive the best in show award in the still life/ floral category at the Bruton Art Society open exhibition 2023.