Jennifer Monds
Jenny Monds is usually to be found with paint or ink on her fingers! She has always loved drawing and has dabbled with water colour painting, botanical art, calligraphy, silversmithing and more over the years.
She now paints many-layered abstract and semi-abstracts in acrylic and mixed media on wood, and particularly enjoys experimenting with shapes and mark-making, using a variety of tools including trowel, sandpaper and whatever comes to up hand to make an interesting mark or texture. Her latest work is inspired by the Japanese technique of ‘Kintsugi’, and consists of paintings combining rough, dark textures with gold leaf.
Jenny opens her studio in the beautiful Chalke Valley as part of the biennial Salisbury Art trail (next one 23rd May to 7th June 2026) or by appointment. She enjoys exhibiting, and was delighted to have a painting accepted by the Royal Academy for their Summer Exhibition 2024, and another shortlisted for the ‘Women in Art’ prize 2024.