Georgie Moore

Img 6383

Georgie graduated from Swindon Art School in 1992 with an HND in illustration, where she discovered a passion for Lino printing. She loves how cutting some grooves into a block transforms into crisp lines or bold shapes on the paper. “I can forget everything and immerse myself in the whole process.” She creates bold images with strong tonal contrasts. She uses various techniques, including Chine Collé, collage, single, reduction or multi-block relief-printing methods. She also creates paper-pulp bowls, which she embellishes with mulberry and unique hand-printed papers. Her work reflects her love of nature and the Dorset landscape. She also explores her identity as an English-born woman of Afro-Caribbean descent. She creates empowering images that counter pre-conceived notions of ethnicity and beauty. She adds Ghanaian ‘Adinkra’ symbols to her work, which speak of life, love, work, friendships and God. They link her to ancestors she does not know and a heritage she has lost. Her images share, with the viewer, a sense of dignity, calm, grace and quiet power. She has exhibited at the 2022 ING ‘Discerning Eye’ Exhibition, Mall Galleries, London and ‘Contemporary Linocuts: An International Survey of Linoleum Block Printing Today’ Exhibition 2022-2023, Kingsborough Art Museum, New York. She was a finalist and exhibitor in the Evolver Prize 2023 and the 2023 Art Unlimited Open Art competitions. Her work has sold to collectors in the USA, Canada, Australia, Europe and the UK.