MME THE ARTISTS December 9th

Claire Lunnen-Kay and Antje Rook

MME THE ARTISTS December 9th


9th Dec 2023    
10:00 am - 13:00 pm


Jubilee​ ​Hall
Kings​ ​Point​ ​House, 5​ ​Queen​ ​Mothers​ ​Square, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1​ ​3BW

Event Type

Saturday December 9th

10am – 1pm

Claire Lunnen-Kay

Claire Lunnen Kay

Discover semi precious stones, colours and texture combinations and the use of wire and tools.

“Have a go” with Claire and see her jewellery making techniques

Antje Rook

textile by Antje Rook

ntje Rook is an international known textile artist inspired by her environment, nature and people, also personal experiences. Sometimes she uses surreal elements in her work. Her art ranges from small delicate pictures to large expressive displays, mostly in vibrant colours. Just recently she started making textile art soft sculptures and one of a kind art dolls, which she enjoys very much and is something she would like to explore more.

Antje will demonstrate how to “paint” with a sewing machine using free motion embroidery.

“Have a Go”

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