Duncan Park and Pauline Trim

Monday December 4th
10am – 1pm
Duncan Park
Duncan is primarily a watercolour artist living on Portland. I enjoy the freshness and spontaneity of the watercolour medium and prefer to paint outside continuing the long English tradition of Plein air painting.
There will be an opportunity for visitors to join me, “have a go” , as I demonstrate the processes involved in creating a simple watercolour painting.
Pauline Trim @pauleentrim8 (insta)
Pauleen is a Botanical Artist who lives and works in rural Dorset. After 25 years lecturing in Art, Design, Textiles and Theatre and Media Make-Up and Costume at the Bournemouth College, on retirement she took a course in Botanical painting and fell in love with painting nature.
She is a Fellow member of the Society of Botanical Artists and is a Tutor and Assessor on their Distance Learning Diploma Course. She is also a member of the Association of Botanical Artists and an Artist member of the Hilliard Miniature Society and sits on the selection panel for their annual exhibitions.
In 2015, 17,19, 22 and 2023 she was awarded the Dorset Arts, Russell Trophy for Botanical Painting . In 2018 and 2023 she was a member of a group exhibit which won RHS Silver medals at the RHS Botanical Art Shows. In 2021 Pauleen was awarded a RHS Gold medal for her individual exhibit on Native British Trees, her painting Fraxinus excelsior won her Best Botanical Painting in Show and is now housed in the RHS Lindley Library archive.
Pauleen exhibits both Nationally and Internationally, and teaches and demonstrates Botanical and miniature painting techniques.