MEET THE ARTISTS December 10th

Judy Tate and Jo Lilley

MEET THE ARTISTS December 10th


10th Dec 2023    
10:00 am - 13:00 pm


Jubilee​ ​Hall
Kings​ ​Point​ ​House, 5​ ​Queen​ ​Mothers​ ​Square, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1​ ​3BW

Event Type

Sunday December 10th

10am – 1pm

Judy Tate

Judy Tate

Dorset based Judy Tate has been drawn to soft pastels for a long time. She finds the versatility, immediacy and vibrancy hard to beat.

Most recently the recurring theme is ‘leaves and layers’ – sometimes initiated as an monoprint underpainting.
En plein air sketching and painting gives Judy a platform for larger pastel work in the studio.

Sketchbook travelogues are an ongoing source of inspiration and the garden never disappoints!
Underlying all of her work is a love of colour and the excitement of seeing how far she can take it.

Jo Lilley

Work by Jo Lilley

I love traditional handweaving which I do on a floor loom called Jessica.  This allows me to combine my skills using colour and texture to explore a love of Scandinavian style rugs and modern woven textiles, accessories and interior products.  Intertwined with this I also sculpt intricate animals from  wool, often placed on quirky objects giving them a life and character of their own – they can be quite mischievous!




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