COMMUNITY “Sea of Talent” Art Installation “Pop-In” event.

COMMUNITY "Sea of Talent" Art Installation "Pop-In" event.


11th Nov 2023    
10:00 am - 14:00 pm


Jubilee​ ​Hall
Kings​ ​Point​ ​House, 5​ ​Queen​ ​Mothers​ ​Square, Poundbury, Dorchester, Dorset, DT1​ ​3BW

As part of our Winter Exhibition 2023 entitled “A Sea of Talent” we are planning a community driven art installation.

We invite all members of the community to come along to The Jubilee Hall between 10 am and 2pm and join us

in creating a 5 metre wide sea themed hanging art work or create a seaweed ball.

No previous experience required, just enthusiasm and interest.

You will be guided by members of Art in Poundbury to make your mark forming shoals of fish on the hanging.



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