Maree Dethick-Jones

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Maree of MooniGooni Glass, creates beautiful kiln-formed glass work at her studio which is just a stone’s throw from Thomas Hardy’s cottage in Higher Bockhampton, Dorchester. Having originally learned ‘leaded’ glass work and copper foil techniques she happened upon glass fusing almost by accident. Intrigued by the different effects that could be achieved by applying heat to glass, Maree bought a kiln and began experimenting (there were limited online resources available back then!) Slowly but surely a small business began to emerge and grow. A native of Dorset, Maree loves using her everyday surroundings as inspiration for her work: the seashore with its crashing waves and abundance of marine life; the rolling hills and ancient hill forts. An (over-active) imagination also provides excellent inspiration for other pieces of work of course! From stunning coast-and-country-inspired pendants, to ‘sun-catching’ decorations and glass bowls. Not forgetting the beautiful sculptural garden pieces and larger panels/splashbacks too.